Dear friends,
at the end of a year which has been very generous to me, I’m filled with gratitude and consider myself one of the happiest people on Earth. My workshops went well this year, my mother and my brother are alive and well, I have a wonderful new venue (“MultiVersum” more about that in the new year), so: I’m all set to meet the New Year.
And you all contributed in some way to my happiness! Even if we didn’t see each other often – or didn’t speak to each other at all this year – I know that you’re all there and that gives me ground under my feet.
My heartfelt thanks to you all!
Times have changed so much: fewer and fewer people are celebrating Christmas, increasing numbers of people are caring for their fellow human beings in distress – often at great personal risk. And even if we don’t hear about it in the mainstream media (which, after all, live on the spreading of horror, fear and panic), the bottom line is: The World has got better and not worse.
There are fewer wars than there were 100 years ago (Yes! Really!) / infant mortality has decreased / poverty is on the decline / more young girls are attending school / the list is long….
Here’s a short video (only 4 minutes + 1 minute BBC programme info) by one of my favourite statisticians, Hans rosling, whose talks I love watching: (and there’s lots more in YouTube). Maybe you like it too.
My wish for us all for 2017? That there is easier common understanding between people from different backgrounds, that political solutions will be found, that governments learn to listen to their peoples, that farmers receive just prices for their products, that the use of pesticides will decrease significantly … that … the list is never-ending …
AND ABOVE ALL I WISH THAT YOU AND YOURS PROSPER! That you enjoy the best of health, remain optimistic, live in abundance, financially as well as emotionally, and that altogether you are glad to be alive.
All too sentimental? OK, then simply
A wonderful start to a great New Year 2017,
Keep well, don’t hit the kids
Lots and lots of love